About my water, sea and bayscapes...
One of my favorite subjects is water. Whether its a lake, sea or bay, I don't care. I was raised around water and feel at home painting it. Most of my water scenes are derived from NJ shores and lakes. Included with my waterscape gallery are shore birds as they are so closely related.
Please Note: The Internet doesn't always display photos in the best of colors and light, and to further complicate the issue, some of the painting photos are not of the best photo quality. To give you the broadest overview of my work I've posted them here for your review. Most of the paintings are much more vivid in person and I hope that some day you will visit with me in my studio. Hope you enjoy my work.
Please Note: The Internet doesn't always display photos in the best of colors and light, and to further complicate the issue, some of the painting photos are not of the best photo quality. To give you the broadest overview of my work I've posted them here for your review. Most of the paintings are much more vivid in person and I hope that some day you will visit with me in my studio. Hope you enjoy my work.